Card Games: Play Lotería {Spanish Game}

Let’s play Loteria! Kids of all ages and families will love playing Lotería together. Not only is it a super fun game, but it can double as an educational one. Your kids will be able to learn a new game and a new language. It is always fun to explore new cultures and using Loteria is a great way! Play Loteria at home or in the classroom.

Your kids are going to love Loteria!

Lotería Card Game For Kids

Cards games are a fun way for children to learn facts. Here is a Spanish game that will help your child learn vocabulary words in another language. Learning more than one language is a wonderful gift we can give to our children and in our day and age it’s not hard to find ways to integrate some language learning fun into their schedules. You don’t even have to speak the language to start introducing your child to some basic words in Spanish.

One of the fun ways you can do this is through play, music, and story time. These are three activities most kids enjoy. I am going to share with you a fun game that will help stimulate speech in Spanish, and it’s a fun game called Lotería.

Related: We have 15 great ways to celebrate Cinco De Mayo for kids.

Supplies Needed To Play Loteria

Loteria carta- la chalupa, el pino, el pescado, la palma- kids activities blog
Grab the free Loteria cards using the link below.

How To Play Lotería

Step 1

One person will announce the cards. This person is known as “el gritón”.

Step 2

When the card is announced you will mark your tabla.

Step 3

When a player has marked four pictures that form one of the patterns (vertical, diagonal, horizontal) they yell ¡Lotería!

Let’s Play Loteria

loteria game card with: el sombrero, la silla, el globo, el coche, la homiga, el avion el saltamontes, la cometa, la oruga, la manzana, la uva, la culebra, la pera, la nube, el triangula, el sol- kids activities blog
This loteria card is perfect for kids.

What you will need to do is print out the Lotería cards for free from Enchanted learning. These are the best cards I have found for kids online because the pictures are bright and the Spanish words are clear and right above the picture and they are FREE.

Once you print out the board game and the cards from their website. Start by calling out a card and pronouncing the word in Spanish and then show your child the picture so they can figure it out.  The more you play this game the more your child will catch on to the words associated with these pictures. Then you can start using them around the house so they can hear them outside of the game context. For example, you can say, “Put on your sombrero Suzie” or “We are going to eat uvas for our snack today.”  Language learning can be fun, enjoy!

Pair Lotería Up With A Children’s Book

Book: loteria book- Text: playing, el juego de la Loteria with grandson and grandmother- kids activities blog
This is such a great book!

This game can also be paired up with a great children’s book that we enjoy reading in our home.  It has the Spanish and English side by side for those of us who need to brush up on our Spanish. Have you heard of the children’s book author Rene Colato Lainez? He’s written quite a few bilingual books that our family enjoys. The little boy in this story goes to Mexico to visit his grandma and learns a new language as a result of playing Loteria and discovers a sweet bond between him and his grandmother.

Spanish Game Loteria

I grew up playing and watching my family play “Loteria”.  It was a family game and a community game played regularly with our neighbors. We would gather together in someones home and play this Bingo like game.  There was always a huge gathering when they offered prizes.  It’s generally played in Mexico but also in other Spanish speaking countries. This is what the cards look like from the game, Loteria.

More Fun Kids Activities From Kids Activities Blog

What other card games do your children enjoy playing?   This Spanish game is colorful, easy to play, and FREE!  For more great kids activities, you might enjoy these ideas:

Have you played Lotería before?

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