We’re All Hands on Deck Tackling Policy Effects on Floriculture

The 2024 presidential inauguration only took place a little more than two weeks ago, but since then, the headlines on immigration, funding freezes, and tariffs have been coming at a break-neck pace. The constant start-stop executive orders also make it difficult to plan for the coming year, let alone the coming week.

Whatever the pace, there’s no doubt there will be long-term effects on individual horticulture businesses, and how the industry operates on a broader scale. We also know these issues go beyond the world of floriculture and affect other industries such as outdoor fruit and vegetable growing. Which is why we recently convened our editorial team at Meister Media Worldwide, put together a list of the highest-priority concerns, and set up a divide-and-conquer strategy.

From labor to the farm bill to funding for anything from federal loans to Extension, our intent is to provide coverage of these topics, both the latest news and what it means for the short- and long-term future, across all of our platforms.

We’ll provide lots of digital coverage on a range of topics (list them), both news and what it means short and long term. All of this content can be found at GreenhouseGrower.com/tag/trump-administration-2024. As an example, click here to learn more from the Society of American Florists.

We also want to hear from you. What questions do you have about immigration enforcement, tariffs, or other topics? Let us know, and we’ll do our best to get you answers.

2025 Green Career Week: Inspiring a New Generation of Horticulture Leaders

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